由 tom2517 發表於 週一 5月 29, 2006 12:54 pm
superpipi 寫:tom2517 寫:nettyu 寫:很好奇到底HD650推到極致的聲音是如何的銷魂??
I wonder that too. I know many headfier likes HD650 with Zu cables and singlepower amp over many headphones like L3000, Stax, and even R10.
how about the legendary Orpheus?

Well, I think that's still the ultimate for many headfier. But HD650 with balanced zu cable and singlepower SDS-XLR is probably almost as good.
By the way, I found the price list for singlepower in Headfi.com
All prices are standard, no custom parts.
PPX3 $649
PPX3 (6SN7) $749
PPX3 Slam $889
MPX3 $949
Supra $1899
Maestro ZR $3299
SDS-XLR Accent-T $5999
SDS-XLR $8900
A full customized SDS-XLR can run up to $15,000 USD
Amp: HR Desktop Amp+Home Module+DAC Module
Portable Amp: SMIV + ALO 10 wire Cryo
Headphone: ATH L3000, HD 600, Shure E5C, E500