Ask for Pre351-ECC88 preamp module!

DIY 電子電路技術相關討論專區。

版主: Jeff, Korping_Chang

Ask for Pre351-ECC88 preamp module!

文章ycliew 發表於 週三 5月 10, 2006 12:44 am

I 've read across the some pre351 articles, and found that there were different value used for the resistor and capacitor. Please advice on the value used for those component cause I still new for diy preamp.

Also is there anyway I can purchase the pre assembled pre351, reg252 regulator, 6e5c driver board and other neccesary module to build up a complete ECC88 preamp. I went to , they only sale the PCB and some misc components.
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註冊時間: 週二 5月 09, 2006 11:35 pm
來自: Malaysia

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